Friday 17 June 2011

Variable 4 by James Bulley & Daniel Jones

I created this video for Variable 4, an 8-speaker outdoor sound installation which translates weather conditions into musical patterns in real time, created by the masterminds of James Bulley and Daniel Jones. Using meteorological sensors connected to a custom software environment, the weather itself acts as conductor, navigating through a map of 24 specifically-written movements.

Every aspect of the piece, from broad harmonic progressions down to individual notes and timbres, is influenced by changes in the environment: wind speed, rainfall, solar radiation, humidity, tropospheric variance, temperature, and more.

Linking together the sensor data and scored motifs is an array of algorithmic processes drawn from the natural world, modelling phenomena such as tree growth, swarm theory and evolutionary development. The resultant composition is performed over a 24 hour duration through a field of 8 speakers integrated into the landscape.

The installtaion and video were shot in Snape Maltings, Suffolk, UK. 2011.

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